December 5, 2010

digital paints 用電腦畫圖

偏好紙筆跟顏料的我 從來沒有在電腦裡畫過圖
這禮拜為了作品集畫了幾張, 以下是用我可憐的陽春筆電畫的很冷的rochester風景

I haven't painted any picture whole in digital since I always prefer paper and real brush. however, I paint something recently for my new demo reel.
the following are my paints by photoshop with my poor latop:

December 2, 2010

Zbrush sculpting practice雕塑練習

人頭骨頭+臉部肌肉雕塑 練習
human head skull & muscle

以下是從骨頭-->加肌肉-->變出人頭 的過程:

完成圖: Done:

讓我今天可以在Zbrush裡這麼如魚得水 都要歸功於藝大的"藝術家訓練課程"與偉大的雕塑老師阿~~
this remaid me the sculpting class in TNUA~ I'm very appreciate for my sculpting professor and fine-art training.