December 5, 2010

digital paints 用電腦畫圖

偏好紙筆跟顏料的我 從來沒有在電腦裡畫過圖
這禮拜為了作品集畫了幾張, 以下是用我可憐的陽春筆電畫的很冷的rochester風景

I haven't painted any picture whole in digital since I always prefer paper and real brush. however, I paint something recently for my new demo reel.
the following are my paints by photoshop with my poor latop:

December 2, 2010

Zbrush sculpting practice雕塑練習

人頭骨頭+臉部肌肉雕塑 練習
human head skull & muscle

以下是從骨頭-->加肌肉-->變出人頭 的過程:

完成圖: Done:

讓我今天可以在Zbrush裡這麼如魚得水 都要歸功於藝大的"藝術家訓練課程"與偉大的雕塑老師阿~~
this remaid me the sculpting class in TNUA~ I'm very appreciate for my sculpting professor and fine-art training.

November 15, 2010

"Burning Bright" Done!!

finally.. I done my thesis!!

I'll start to submit it to festivals, and hope I'll receive some awards.

November 2, 2010

2010 Nov update of Lighting DemoReel

new update for my Lighting DemoReel

2010 Light DemoReel-- MeiYu Chen

A: individual project. "Burning Bright" 6min22sec, 2010
B: individual project. "Wish" 4min52sec, 2009
C: lighting challenge from CGtalk, set model by Andrew Kin Fun Chan and Dan Konieczka.Robot model is from my friend Aaron's thesis.

October 15, 2010

Cabin Lighting challenge from CGtalk

This is the lighting challenge from CGtalk
landscape and cabin which has been modeled by Andrew Kin Fun Chan and Dan Konieczka.
the robot model is from my friend Aaron's thesis.
I was enter the challenge very late and unable to post it and receive feedback before the deadline(Oct16). However, I'll keep work on it and update the new render.

initial idea(Photoshop concept art)

Oct 15 version

Oct20 update
Nov 2 update

I'm still not happy with previous result.
Thanks for the advice from Christos Tzeremes.
I decide just RE-DO all of the lighting
March5,2011 update

September 8, 2010

2010 Lighting DemoReel

I add more breakdown for lighting and create a new version of Lighting DemoReel

June 13, 2010

"Wish" in 2009 Siouxland Festival

I got a Award!!
animation "Wish" is recieved Critic's Choice Award form 2009 Siouxland Festival !!
hahaha~~~so happy to get a shiny medal ~~(even its from a small festival)

哈哈哈~~ 得獎了得獎了~~~
動畫"祈"拿到了Critic's Choice Award 在 2009 Siouxland Festival
裡面裝了閃亮亮的獎牌(心),影展的pass, 影展節目單, 還有免費的票
可惜也是小小小小的影展, 依然沒有獎金這種東西.....

Thanks for Mary took a picture of me with shiny medal in front of our program

and I also in the school website

March 26, 2010

2010 Thesis progress--- lighting&compositing


最近開始進入打燈, 算圖跟合成階段

texture only:

photoshop lighting test:

3D render+ AE compositing 在AfterEffect合成後的(可能)完成圖

texture only:

photoshop lighting test:

3D render+ AE compositing 在AfterEffect合成後的(可能)完成圖


ps.最近遭逢怪獸的subsurface scatter會閃的嚴重技術性問題,所以以上兩個圖只能說是"可能"完成結果, 最後的樣子會不太一樣吧

2010 Thesis progress---boy texture


color concept 色彩概念圖:

3D texture 完成圖:

March 16, 2010


2010 version business card

2010 winter design,for school portfolio website

2008 open/ending slate for animation work


February 16, 2010

2010 thesis progress__texture

畢製進度: 貼圖
Here are the first try for two Monster textures.
(color-map only, no specular, no bump, no SSS)
花了超多時間把拆好的模型UV印出來, 用水墨畫圖案, 在掃描回去電腦裡修圖跟上色

without eye 怪獸沒眼睛的時候

with eye 怪獸有眼睛的時候

February 10, 2010

2010 Thesis progress __ animting v2


animating done!(?) 調動作完成(?)

After two months working, I had my animating done!!
ok...acturally, It's 90% done....There are something still need to be fix.
However, I'm going to stop animating by now and start to working on FX, texture and lighting.
If I have time, I'll go back to adjust animating. If not, I'll just leave it like that.

基於時間上的進度...我要開始貼材質 打燈跟做特效了

January 11, 2010

2010ThesisFilm progress_ animting v1

2010 thesis film progress:
I start to do the longest part of the animation progress --- animating
畢業製作進度: 最近開始了做動畫最漫長最無止盡的階段--調動作

That's all i did for past month. It seems to have long way to go...

January 4, 2010

2010_ThesisFilm 3d animatic v1

2010 thesis animation progress:
I change something from my storyboard animatic and did some 3d animatic of some shots. This one just for trying layout everything in 3D and see if camera moving and characters movements match from shot to shot. There are still some shots missing in black sequense... keep working....

2d的分鏡太多人反應看不懂了orz 所以我又改了一堆...
因為進度太慢了,所以改好直接進3d排了, 以下是timing跟camera的測試