March 21, 2011

EDW project ideas

In the Experimental Digital Workshop, I'm going to do an independent study on matte painting.
I'm going to create a new tag [EDW] for this serious of articles.

here are two brain-storm ideas for the project:
--------------------------first idea----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the first one is inspirit by the castle photo I took in Mt. St. Micheal

many films have shots like that: having a castle(and character) in the foreground and using a matte painting to create a far mountain background to add depth to the scene. Therefore, I think this photo maybe a good material for me to start my first matte painting project

my plan is:
* add trees and mountain in the back ground
* add a sky
* add mountain&sky reflection on the water

*add top of castle
*remove people in the original photo

* add a CG castle wall and a robot's hand
which need to be lighting & render match the atmosphere of photo

**slowing zoom in the camera
(need to animating background/midground/foreground moving in different speed)

-------------------second idea----------------------------
the second idea is from piecing four of my photos together and add a group of CG birds(particle insteadser) flying by in it

Now, I like the first idea better, because that has better composition and overall mode.I'll go talk to the professor and my classmates/friends on Tuesday, then decide.

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