February 16, 2010

2010 thesis progress__texture

畢製進度: 貼圖
Here are the first try for two Monster textures.
(color-map only, no specular, no bump, no SSS)
花了超多時間把拆好的模型UV印出來, 用水墨畫圖案, 在掃描回去電腦裡修圖跟上色

without eye 怪獸沒眼睛的時候

with eye 怪獸有眼睛的時候

February 10, 2010

2010 Thesis progress __ animting v2


animating done!(?) 調動作完成(?)

After two months working, I had my animating done!!
ok...acturally, It's 90% done....There are something still need to be fix.
However, I'm going to stop animating by now and start to working on FX, texture and lighting.
If I have time, I'll go back to adjust animating. If not, I'll just leave it like that.

基於時間上的進度...我要開始貼材質 打燈跟做特效了