January 11, 2010

2010ThesisFilm progress_ animting v1

2010 thesis film progress:
I start to do the longest part of the animation progress --- animating
畢業製作進度: 最近開始了做動畫最漫長最無止盡的階段--調動作

That's all i did for past month. It seems to have long way to go...

January 4, 2010

2010_ThesisFilm 3d animatic v1

2010 thesis animation progress:
I change something from my storyboard animatic and did some 3d animatic of some shots. This one just for trying layout everything in 3D and see if camera moving and characters movements match from shot to shot. There are still some shots missing in black sequense... keep working....

2d的分鏡太多人反應看不懂了orz 所以我又改了一堆...
因為進度太慢了,所以改好直接進3d排了, 以下是timing跟camera的測試